Hosted by Nik Towers. You don’t know where you’re going till you know where you’ve been. Looking through the history of British and American wrestling.
- CandyStan
- Ep 232 - CandyStan
- Sebastian Mercer
- Ep 231 - Sebastian Mercer
- Aidan Sparx Returns
- Ep 230 - Aidan Sparx Returns
- Royally Rumbled 1992
- Royally Rumbled 92
- Ep 229 - Kourtney Davis
- Ep 228 - Paul Stewart
- Paul Stewart
- TGW Redemption
- Ep 226 - NCW/True Grit
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies Ep 4
- Royally Rumbled 1991 prt 2
- Royally Rumbled prt 2
- Royally Rumbled 1991 prt 1
- Royally Rumbled 1991 prt 1
- Tidal - Liam Slater vs Jigsaw WoS Rules Open Championship Match
- Ep 225 - NCW
- Ep 224 - Troy Ryan
- Troy Ryan
- Royally Rumbled 1990 prt 2
- Royally Rumbled 90 prt 2
- Royally Rumbled 1990 prt 1
- Royally Rumbled 90 prt 1
- Ep 223 - True Grit Gold Rush
- Tidal - Mark Andrews Vs Spike Trivet
- True Grit Gold Rush
- Tidal Second Chance TGW Gold Rush
- Ep 222 - Tidal Second Chance/TGW Gold Rush
- Royally Rumbled 89
- Royally Rumbled 89
- Arthur Skurro
- Ep 221 - Arthur Skurro
- Callum Andrews
- Ep 220 - Callum Andrews
- Rampage Brown Vs Tommy End (Malakai Black)
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies Ep 3
- Hamzah Musoa
- Ep 219 - Sabertooth Hamzah Musoa
- Royally Rumbled 88
- Royally Rumbled 1988
- End of Year Awards
- Ep 218 - End of Year Awards
- Nate Daniels
- Ep 217 - Nate Daniels
- The Brand
- Spike Highlights - Tidal
- Vusyk
- Ep 216 - The Brand
- Tidal - Lost in The Parish
- Ep 215 - Vusyk
- Ep 214 - Tidal, Lost in The Parish
- Ian Skinner
- Ep 213 - Ian Skinner
- Graham Pearce
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies
- Ep 212 - Graham Pearce
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies Ep2
- Spike Trivet Vs Joseph Conners - Tidal Wrestling
- Paul Stewart
- Ep 211 - Paul Stewart
- WCW Why2K ep2
- Leonie Rose 🌹
- WCW Why2K? Ep 2
- Ep 210 - Leonie Rose 🌹
- SuperSonic Sammy Blue
- Ep 209 - Supersonic Sammy Blue
- Young Horus
- Ep 208 - Young Horus
- Nero Classic/IWU
- Axl The Klown
- Ep 207- Nero Classic/IWU
- Ep 206 - Axl The Klown
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies
- DeathMatch Wrestling for Dummies Ep 1
- Ep 205 - Jet Martial
- Jet Martial
- Henri Winter
- Ep 204 - Henri Winter
- Fight Factory Wrestling
- Ep 203 - Fight Factory Wrestling
- Mathias Havana
- Ep 202 - Mathias Havana
- WCW Why2K
- WCW Why2K Ep 1
- Ep 201 - Tony Wright
- Tony Wright
- Celebration of British Wrestling
- Ep 200 - British Wrestling
- Fraser Girvan
- TIDAL - The Lancadores Vs Hack N Slash
- Ep 199 - Fraser Girvan
- Brad Matthews
- Ep 198 - Brad Matthews
- Brandon Brooks
- Ep 196 Brandon Brooks
- PPW Second Pursuit Review
- Danny Marks
- PPW Second Pursuit Review
- Marshall Warner
- Ep 195 - Danny Marks
- Ep 194 - Marshall Warner
- Salford City Wrestling
- Ep 193 - Salford City Wrestling
- Tommy Jackson
- Ep 192 - Tommy Jackson
- Ep 191 - Joel Cobra
- Joel Cobra
- SIDE TALK episode VI (All In review & RevPro chat)
- Ep 190 - PW4U
- PW4U
- Andrew Jepson
- Liam Slater/Second Pursuit
- DJ King
- Ep 189 - Andrew Jepson
- Ep 188 - Liam Slater/Second Pursuit
- Ep 187 - DJ KING
- Artemis
- Side Talk Extra: All In 2024 hype!
- Side Talk Extra: All In 2024 hype!
- Ep 186 - Artemis
- Kavero Part 2
- Ep 184 - Kavero Prt 1
- Ep 185 - Kavero Prt 2
- Kavero Part 1
- Ep 183 - Mr Rikki
- Mr Rikki
- Ep 182 - Cash Money Sash Talks
- Hot Tag Foundation
- Ep 181 - Hot Tag Foundation
- Side Talk Ep 5
- WTLS Side Talk Ep 5
- Caz Crash
- Ep 180 - Caz Crash
- Ep 179 - KUMITE Combat Wrestling
- Kumite
- Skylar Rose
- Ep 178 - Skylar Rose
- Ep 177 - Helen Charlotte Campbell
- Vusyk Vs Ace Matthews Tidal Iron Will Title
- Alton Thorne
- Ep 176 - Briac Strong
- The Hunter Briac Strong
- Ep 175 - Alton Thorne
- Ep 174 - Keg Stacker
- Keg Stacker
- Vusyk Vs Ace Matthews highlights
- Ep 173 - The Quinn
- Jacob Quinn
- Side Talk Ep 4
- SideTalk Ep 4
- Ep 172 - Kemper
- Kemper
- Spike Trivet vs Harley Hudson
- Ep 171 - Mo Menttum
- Mo Menttum
- Ep 170 - Violet Vendetta
- Violet Vendetta
- Ep 169 - Vinny Pacifico
- Vinny Pacifico
- Ep 168 - Jason Joshua
- Jason Joshua
- Ep 167 - Gung Ho Muttley
- Gung Ho Muttley
- Cumbrian Outlaw Rick Markus
- Ep 166 - The Cumbrian Outlaw Rick Markus
- Ep 165 - Franco Fate
- Franco Fate
- Ep 164 - Jazzy Greg
- Jazzy Greg
- Ep 163 - Wrestling in Newcastle
- Wrestling in Newcastle
- Tidal Wrestling Rob Drake vs Vusyk - Iron Will title match
- SideTalk Ep 3
- SideTalk Ep 3
- Alfiee
- Ep 162 - Alfiee
- Ep 161 - Lance Revera
- Lance Revera
- Ep 160 - Wesley Nsereko
- Wesley Nsereko
- Ep 159 - Jimmy Mcilwee
- Jimmy Mcilwee
- Ep 158 - The Jester JayRow Lewis
- The Jester JayRow Lewis
- Canadian Stampede
- Ep 157 - Canadian Stampede
- Side Talk ep 2
- WTLS Side Talk ep 2
- Ep 156 - The PopPunk Kid Jake Silver
- PopPunk Kid Jake Silver
- Act Two
- Ep 155 - Act 2
- Chilli Heatwave
- Ep 154 - Chilli Heatwave
- Comic Chat Vol 2
- Ep 153 - Comics vol 2
- Adam Bolt
- Ep 152 - Adam Bolt
- Ep 151 - Cowboy Tim Strange
- Cowboy Tim Strange
- Ep 150 - Fiery Aidan Sparx
- Fiery Aidan Sparx
- Ep 149 - Millennial Falcon James Grayson
- Millennial Falcon James Grayson
- Ep 148 - Isaac North
- Isaac North
- Side Talk
- Joey Cement
- SideTalk ft Ash & Scott ep1
- WTLS - SideTalk ft Ash & Scott ep1
- Ep 147 - Joey Cement
- iWillBurnArt
- Ep 146 - iWillburnArt
- Ep 145 - Gunnar Rig
- Gunnar Rig
- Big Lou Nixon
- Ep 144 - Big Lou Nixon
- True Grit Wrestling - Redemption
- Billy O'Keefe
- Ep 143 - Billy O'Keefe
- Tamar Community Wrestling
- Ep 142 - Adonis Payne
- Comic Book Ep 1
- Ep 141 - Comic Books
- Ep 140 - Tidal Wrestling
- Tidal Wrestling
- Ep 139 - Corey McRae
- Postie Malone
- EBW 2013 Rumble w/ Radu & Deano
- Ep 137 - KOTR 97
- Ep 138 - Postie Malone
- KOTR 97
- Ep 137 - KOTR 97
- Ep 136 - Priscilla QOTR
- Priscilla QOTR
- Ep 135 - Iestyn Rees
- Iestyn Rees
- Ep 134 - Mark Ashley Films
- Mark Ashley Films
- Ep 133 - Gareth Angel
- Gareth Angel
- Ep 132 - Odyssey Pro Wrestling
- Odyssey
- ZiZi
- Ep 131 - ZiZi
- Ep 130 - Sean Only
- Sean Only
- Ep 129 - Sovereign Pro Wrestling
- Sovereign Pro Wrestling
- The WTLS Awards
- WTLS 2023 Awards
- WTLS 2023 Wrestling Review
- Brandon Butcher
- Sandy Beeches
- Ep 127 - Sandy Beeches
- Ep 126 - Brandon Butcher
- Radu Bulat
- Ep 125 - Radu Bulat
- EP 124 - WCW Slamboree 97
- TGW Jacobs Ladder
- Ep 123 - TGW Jacobs Ladder
- Ellis Barker
- EP 122 - Ellis Barker
- EP 121 - Simon Hill
- Simon Hill
- Prince Pele
- AEW Full Gear Hype
- EP 120 - Prince Pele
- Bobby Cash
- EP 119 - WWF Cold Day in Hell
- EP 118 - Bobby Cash
- Real Rasslin Mystery Box
- Hard Man Dan HMD
- EP 117 - Hard Man Dan (HMD)
- The MusicMan
- EP 116 - The MusicMan
- Big Hoss Rogan
- Josh Galla
- EP 115 - Big Hoss Rogan
- EP 114 - WCW Spring Stampede 97
- NJPW Royal Quest 3
- EP 113 - Josh Galla
- Adam Copeland in AEW
- Supersonic Sammy Blue
- Adam Copeland in AEW
- EP 112 - Supersonic Sammy Blue
- First Pursuit Review
- Netflix Wrestlers Review
- Ref Lee Thomas
- Revenge of the Taker
- EP 111 - First Pursuit Review
- EP 110 - RefeLee Lee Thomas
- Netflix Wrestlers Review
- EP 109 - WWF IYH Revenge of the Taker
- First Pursuit Hype
- EP 108 - First Pursuit w/Wrestling Jebus
- Joe Wade
- EP 107 - Goth Boy Joe Wade
- Jack Maxwell
- 1PW?
- EP 106 - Jack Maxwell
- Al Snow & Doug Basham talk Netflix Wrestlers
- Netflix Wrestlers - Al Snow
- CM Punk
- EP 105 - Lawson
- William Valour
- EP 104 - CM Punk
- EP 103 - William Valour
- Jay Vertigo
- EP 102 - Jay Vertigo
- All In Hype show
- EP 101 - Kris Travis
- Kris Travis
- Vusyk
- EP 100.5 Kemper Vs Music Man watch along
- EP 100 - VUSYK
- EP 99 - WCW Uncensored 97
- WCW Uncensored 97
- Freaky Felicia
- EP 98 - Freaky Felicia
- EP 97 - Joshua Kemper
- Joshua Kemper
- Wrestlemania 13
- EP 96 - WrestleMania 13
- EP 95 - RPD
- Axl The Klown
- EP 94 - Axl The Klown
- Luna Trix
- EP 93 - Luna Trix
- EP 92 - Greg Burridge
- Greg Burridge
- Ace Matthews
- EP 91 - Ace Matthews
- WCW SuperBrawl
- EP 90 - WCW Superbrawl 97
- AEW Forbidden Door Hype
- EP 89 - AEW Forbidden Door hype show
- EP 88 Rubi The Basic Bitch Slayer
- Rubi The Basic Bitch Slayer
- EP 87 - Jackson Heart
- Jackson Heart
- EP 86 - KID KASH
- Kid Kash
- True Grit Wrestling
- Wing commander Nash
- EP 85 - GPW
- Big Strong Guy
- RJ Singh prt 2
- Stixx
- Adonis Payne
- British Wrestling
- Cash Money Sash
- Alan Kay
- Nsereko
- Ref Scott Bell
- Royal Rumble 97
- WCW Souled Out 97
- WWF Final Four
- EP 83 - Liam Slater
- EP 84 - WWF Final Four
- Lizzy Evo
- Scotty Rawk
- AEW Double or Nothing preview
- EP 83 - Liam Slater
- EP 82 - AEW Double or Nothing hype
- EP 81 - British Wrestling
- EP 80 - Adonis Payne
- EP 79 - Cash Money Sash
- EP78 - Souled Out 97
- EP 77 - Wrestling in 97 Royal Rumble
- EP 76 - 1PW All or Nothing review
- EP 73 - Lizzy Evo
- EP 72 - Scotty Rawk
- EP 71 WrestleMania review
- EP 70 - Mark Haskins
- EP 69 - Nsereko
- EP 68 - The True Grit Games
- EP 66 - Alan Kay
- EP 65 - AEW Revolution Hype
- WTLS EP 64 - Ref Scott Bell
- WTLS 1PW No Turning Back
- 1PW No Turning Back Hype show
- WTLS - Rumble Review Show
- Jay Briscoe Tribute - watch along
- EP 59 True Grit Wrestling
- WTLS - The new Champ is!!?
- WTLS - Best of 2022
- EP 56 - RJ Singh
- EP 55 - BIG STRONG MAN Interview
- EP 54 - TOP 5 Wrestlers. Now, Then & Forever...
- AEW FULL GEAR/Dynamite round up
- EP 53 - Stixx
- AEW FULL GEAR predictions
- EP 52 - Chocolate Thunder
- Jeff Jarrett in AEW.... Why?
- EP 51 - WingCommander Nash
- EP 50 - Sheamus Spotlight
- EP 49 - Shady Nattrass
- WTLS Ep48 - Ryan Paul Davies Interview (Part 2)
- EP 48 - RPD
- EP 47 - 1PW Round Up
- Ep 46 - 1PW
- AEW GrandSlam - A real Paige turner
- Undertaker Spotlight
- AEW - Life after CM Punk
- CM Punk... AEWs Saviour or Destroyer?
- AEW All Out roundup
- WTLS Ep36 | AEW ALL OUT 2022 PPV Round Up
- The AEW ppv prediction show
- WTLS Ep35 | AEW ALL OUT 2022 PPV Predictions
- AEW time
- An AEW discussion
- A short Trios title discussion
- AEW Dynamite Discussion
- we're back!
- WTLS Ep 34 - Craig Anderson prt 2
- WTLS Ep34 | Craig Anderson (PART 2) Interview
- WTLS Ep34 | Craig Anderson Interview
- WTLS UNDERGROUND - Bash at the Beach 2000
- WTLS Ep 33 - Chocolate Thunder
- WTLS Ep33 | Chocolate Thunder Interview
- WTLS Ep 32 - Nathan Cruz
- WTLS Ep32 | Nathan Cruz Interview
- WTLS Ep 31 - Craig Anderson
- WTLS Ep31 | Referee Craig Anderson Interview (Part 1 of a 2 part chat)
- WTLS Ep 30 - Winging it 2
- WTLS Ep30 | Winging It - Pt.2 - SummerSlam, CM Punk and Adam Cole
- WTLS ep 29 - CM Punk Spotlight
- WTLS ep 28 - Matt Myers
- WTLS Ep28 | Matt Myers Interview
- WTLS Ep 27 - HT Drake
- WTLS Ep27 | HT DRAKE Interview
- WTLS Ep26 | Winging It
- WTLS ep 26 - Winging it
- WTLS Ep 25 - Spotlight on Big Van Vader
- WTLS ep 24 - Shady Nattrass
- WTLS Ep24 | Shady Nattrass Interview
- WTLS ep 23 - RP Davies
- WTLS Ep23 | RP Davies Interview
- WTLS Underground - SummerSlam 02
- WTLS Underground Ep 3 - SummerSlam 02
- WTLS Ep 22 - Steiners Spotlight
- WTLS Ep22 | SPOTLIGHT on 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner & The Steiner Brothers
- WTLS Ep 21 - Lory
- WTLS Ep21 | LORY Interview
- WTLS Ep 20 Spotlight on Sean Waltman
- Ep 19 The Belgian Bull Robin Lekime
- WTLS Ep19 | 'The Belgian Bull' Robin Lekime Interview
- WTLS Underground No Way Out 2001
- Ep 18 The Nightmare Alex Kavero
- WTLS Ep18 | 'The Nightmare' Alex Kavero Interview
- Ep 17 Macho Man Spotlight
- WTLS Ep17 | SPOTLIGHT on 'Macho Man' Randy Savage
- WTLS Ep 16 - Joseph Biggs
- WTLS Ep16 | Joseph Biggs Interview
- WTLS Underground ep 1
- WTLS Ep15 | SPOTLIGHT on Chris Jericho
- WTLS Spotlight - Chris Jericho
- WTLS ep 14 A Cuppa with Roxxy
- WTLS Ep14 | Little Miss Roxxy Interview
- Ep 13 Sugar Dunkerton aka Pineapple Pete
- WTLS Ep13 | Sugar Dunkerton Interview
- A Mid Week message
- WTLS Ep12 | Brian Pillman Appreciation Episode
- WTLS Ep 11. Sting Spotlight
- Mid week Message
- WTLS Ep10 | Molly Spartan Interview
- WTLS Ep09 | The Good, The Bad & WrestleMania 9 | WrestleMania Preview Edition
- Mid Week Message
- WTLS Spotlight on Raven ft Ryan Palmer
- Mid Week Message
- WTLS ep 6 Paramount Pro Wrestling
- The Mid Week Message
- WTLS Ep05 | SPOTLIGHT on Bret 'Hitman' Hart
- A Mid Week Message
- Episode 4. Kris Travis Tribute Show
- WTLS Ep04 | Kris Travis Tribute Episode with Mikey Van Riot and Dean Matthews
- MID WEEK Message
- Work The Left Side ep 3
- WTLS Ep03 | Sean Only Interview
- A Thank you Message
- WTLS Ep02 | RJ Singh Interview
- WTLS Episode 2 Trailer with RJ Singh
- WTLS Ep01 | Mark Haskins Interview
- Mark Haskins Trailer